At present, fiction and non-fiction books, periodicals, music, textbooks for schoolchildren, language textbooks, dictionaries, etc. are printed in braille here. The production of braille publications is computerised. After proof-reading, the manuscript from the diskette is sent from the automatic setting machine "Puma" to an aluminium sheet. This manner of printing is used for the publications that are printed in large quantity. If only a limited number of copies is required, braille computer printers are used.
Books from the current production of conventional publishing houses, such as journals and non-fiction books, are made accessible to sight-handicapped young people from elementary to university students, and to respective professional groups of blind and weak-sighted people, in the form of recorded books. There are three recording studios (2 digital and 1 analogue) where the matrix sound tapes are made and then they are copied. Records for the weak-sighted students are produced elsewhere.
The production of the relief graphic is focused on illustrations of books and textbooks for children, and also on the production of illustrated publications (atlases, wall calendars) and postcards.
The annual production amounts to 50 - 60 braille items, including textbooks and music. Recorded books amount to 100 items. There are five braille journals published: Literární pohledy, Záškolák (for schoolchildren), Malý křížovkářský časopis, Křesťanská orientace and Ligilo (an Esperanto journal, which is distributed worldwide). LPB produces 13 braille-printed journals and 5 tape journals, published by Zora publishing house, which belongs to The Union of the Blind and Weak-sighted People (Sjednocená organizace nevidomých a slabozrakých).
LPB also produced 8 tape journals and 2 braille-printed journals that are published by other organisations for the blind.